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The Hunger Games Prelims: Ichigo Negrosaki vs Rubix
The Hunger Games All Style Battle: Swagyolokony2012 & Jigsaw vs Ichigo Negrosaki & Triple M Three
Finals Octus vs Ichigo Negrosaki : Daniel Keith Morrisons Birthday thingy
Callout part 2 Judgement day CallOUT: Ken vs Ichigo Negrosaki
OTS Presents: Low (Rubix)
The Hunger Games Prelims: B Boy Aladdin vs B Boy Shankz
The Prom Jam Prelims: Goliath vs Keston
Rubix india pub battle
The Prom King 1st Round: Jigsaw vs Pryce
The Prom King 1st Round: Jigsaw vs Pryce (Tie Breaker)
Wedding Entertainment Rubix Dance Group Checkatalent
Kate VS Nathaniel [KidsSemis] - The iMoonRunn 2018